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Melbourne Nordic Ski Club

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MNSC Honour roll

2023 Fiona Rector Award - Jill Edwards

Jill finally retired from the Committee in 2023 after 15 years of dedicated service as club Treasurer. Her tireless efforts have kept the club finances in a safe and stable state. Throughout that time, she has also been a major contributor to the general work of the committee, particularly in the area of arranging accommodation for club trips.

2023 Annual Award - Barry Field

Barry has been an active member of the club over many decades. In the past few years he has generously offered his time to run pre-season training sessions at Westerfold's Park in Templestowe. Barry was a founding member of MNSC and provided Club coaching in the 1980’s, then progressed to State and National XC coach and Instructor Director XC Ski for 10 years.

2017 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Helen Lee

This award was presented to Helen Lee for outstanding service to MNSC as Secretary in 2000, and 2010 to current. Helen joined MNSC in 1998, and has been a long-term contributor to the smooth running of MNSC committee and events. She is an extremely efficient Secretary, with the Minutes often emailed before the committee arrive home!

This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

2017 MNSC Annual Award - Angelika Dietrich

Angelika has been a consistent and inspirational supporter of our club for many years, as well as being on the committee at one stage. We can only admire her ability. She won her age group in the 2017 Birkebeiner and Merino Muster, plus the Most Courageous Woman in the Ski de Femme.
Angelika Dietrich was recognised with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.

2022 MNSC Annual Award - Malcolm Sinclair

Presented to Malcolm Sinclair for his excellent service to MNSC as Crosswords editor from October 2018, and his research into and publication of updated car sharing and public transport documents for members participating in MNSC ski trips.

2019 MNSC Annual Award - Mike Grange

Presented to Mike Grange for his long standing service as Membership Officer 2011-2017, and as a continuing committee member for introducing and leading the Charlotte Pass week 2017-2019.

2016 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - John Banks

John Banks was presented with this award for his outstanding service to MNSC as President since 2011. He has worked continuously to promote our Club and assist MNSC members, as well as organising and leading many events, including numerous ski trips and races such as the Stirling Silver. His ongoing work in development of the MNSC website since 2010 has greatly enhanced its serviceability for both committee and members, and has also helped promote MNSC to potential new members.
This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

2015 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Jill Edwards

Presented to Jill Edwards for her outstanding service to MNSC as Treasurer since 2008, while also effectively undertaking since 2013 the duties of the vacant role of accommodation officer, which is a time consuming and somewhat arduous role! Without Jill's ongoing interaction with both members and accommodation venues, and her attention to detail, MNSC would not be able to run as many accommodated trips as smoothly as we do!
This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

2018 MNSC Annual Award - Peter Ross

Presented to Peter Ross for his long standing service as Publicity Officer and Crosswords editor 2012-2018, and Hoppet drinks station coordinator.

2012 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Diana Mittag

Diana Mittag received this award for her work as Accommodation Officer during many ski seasons. The job of accommodation officer is probably the most time consuming and difficult position in the club's administration and Diana carried out this work in a dedicated and tireless way.
This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

2013 MNSC Annual Award - Jill Edwards

In addition to being an excellent and hard working club treasurer since 2008, Jill has overseen the club's acquisition of a corporate membership of Marouka Lodge at Mount Hotham. This has proved to be immensely beneficial to the club, providing accommodation for three events every season.

2011 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Meg Bate

Meg acted as as Publicity Officer and in particular, Crosswords editor for no less than ten seasons (2002-2011), overseeing its transition from a mainly printed newsletter to a mainly electronic one.
This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

2011 MNSC Annual Award - Steve Page

Steve was responsible for Web Site content development prior to 2009. The content Steve created was used when the public site was redeveloped by a paid contractor in 2009.

2010 MNSC Annual Award - John Banks

At the 2010 AGM, John Banks was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
John's work has been invaluable in the development of our new MNSC website. John is the creative developer who has streamlined the MNSC members section, that has been specifically designed so that the MNSC Committee and members can easily organise club activities. Members can now find information, make bookings for club events, organise car poolings, review MNSC news, create mailing lists for newsletters and much more......

2010 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Ian Cochrane

Ian has been a member of the MNSC for many years and in 2000 he joined the MNSC Committee as Vice President. In 2008 and beginning 2009 he stood in as Club President.

During this time he has worked continuously to assist and promote our Club and Club Members. Ian represented the MNSC at Ski Cross Country Victoria (SXCV) meetings; organised innumerable ski trips (including the Hotham to Falls Creek trip) for members; organised club meeting rooms; organised club prizes; calculated our club car sharing agreement and much more.

This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

2009 MNSC Annual Award - Austin Maloney

At the 2009 AGM, Austin Maloney was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Austin over a number of years been pivotal in organising our Mount Hotham skiing. He provided us with access to on snow accommodation at the Marouka Lodge. This has been one of our most popular events during our skiing season. As well as this Austin has been a Ski Club Member for over 20 years.

2009 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Marvena Van Kann

This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.
Marvena joined MNSC in 1999 and was Accommodation Officer and a Member of the MNSC Committee from 2002 to 2009. The Accommodation Officer is a pivotal Committee position and she did a sterling job. As well as this she has made a great contribution in assisting in setting up the Club's new booking procedures.

2008 MNSC Annual Award - Harold Elliot

At the 2008 AGM, Harold Elliot was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Harold over a number of years been pivotal in organising a summer activity at Apollo Bay. He provided us with access to accommodation and a welcoming smile.

2008 MNSC Fiona Rector Award - Glenn Patmore

This is now MNSC's most prestigious award for outstanding service by a member.

A worthy first time recipient of this award. Glenn was co-opted as president in November 1999 and he was officially elected at the MNSC Annual General Meeting in September 2000. After working tirelessly, Glenn stepped down in September 2008. During that time he helped instigate our new Melbourne Nordic Ski Club website; organised more free skiing lessons for members; improved publicity to improve club membership; initiated contacts with other groups such as the Victorian National Parks Association (VNPA) and much more.

2007 MNSC Annual Award - Marvena Van Kann

At the 2007 AGM, Marvena van Kann was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Marvena joined MNSC in 1999 and was Accommodation Officer and a Member of the MNSC Committee from September 2001 to 2009. As Accommodation Officer she organised bookings, car pooling and supported all Club activities.

2006 MNSC Annual Award - Andrew Phillips

At the 2006 AGM, Andrew Phillips was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
What's extraordinary about Andrew's contribution is that he has now taken on the treasurer role twice, each time for a three year term! He has made a great contribution to managing the finances of the Club.

2005 MNSC Annual Award - Peter Ritchie

At the 2005 AGM, Peter Ritchie was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club. Peter is a long term member, coming to most club meetings, and this year gave us a wonderful talk on ski boots. He is always willing to offer thoughtful advice. With John Banks, Peter has revived the tradition of leading snow camps. Congratulations on the award Peter.

2005 V.S.A. award to Ray Malins

Melbourne Nordic Ski Club member Ray Malins received a 2005 Victorian Ski Association award for his contributions to Cross Country Skiing, through the running of the Lake Mountain Mini Series. Ray has overseen all but one of the thirty planned events at Lake Mountain since 1995 and has thus been the driving force behind over 2,000 skiers experiencing the joy of cross country ski racing. Ray has also been instrumental in developing an organizational event planning manual for the mini series.
Ray is a keen bushwalker, skier and a member of the nordic volunteer rescue service. He is often seen paddling the waters of the Murray over the Christmas and New year period. Well done Ray, congratulations to your family, and thank you for your continued personal investment in cross country skiing and Lake Mountain.

2004 Hoppet Award - Peggy Cochrane

At the 2004 Kangaroo Hoppet, Peggy Cochrane was presented with a special award for her outstanding service as coordinator of the Melbourne Nordic drinks station for 14 years. Congratulations Peggy on a job well done! And to all her willing helpers over the years.

2003 MNSC Annual Award - Karen Dew

At the 2003 AGM, Karen Dew was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Karen has been a long term and supportive member. She has served as Accommodation Officer and has been costume maker extraordinaire. Our Drink station helpers always looked great under Peggy guidance and Karen design skills. Who can forget our Gumnuts, Snow White and the Seven dwarfs and many other wonderful designs.

2002 MNSC Annual Award - Ray Malins

At the 2002 AGM, Ray Malins was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Ray has strongly supported junior skiers not only in our club but for the entire Cross Country Skiing community. He has consistently planned and organised the Mini Series at Lake Mountain. We are proud to say he has consistently and supported MNSC.

1999 MNSC Annual Award - Sue Sier

At the 1999 AGM, Sue Sier was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Sue has been a long standing member of the MNSC Committee and has worked in various rolls. Her main focus was Membership Officer and at the times included many additional jobs.

1997 MNSC Annual Award - Peggy Cochrane

At the 1997 AGM, Peggy Cochrane was recognized with the award for outstanding service to the Melbourne Nordic Ski Club.
Peggy has been an outstanding member of the MNSC Committee. As well as this she has organised our Hoppet Drink Station, Dinners and much more. Always a welcoming smile and great support to all members.